Complaints Procedure and Handling

TCLS LLP is committed to integrity and fairness in all areas of business and for all stakeholders. We believe that this is the foundation for good business and as such can set the foundation for lasting business relationships. Excellent service and communications are key at all times but we understand that things can sometimes go wrong; in this circumstance we will always strive to resolve the problem as quickly as possible and reach a fair solution.

A complaint can be raised by a Client or Customer by either of the following:

As all members of staff are trained to deal fairly and promptly with complaints, a solution will be sought at the first instance. If the issue cannot be resolved within 3 business days it will be escalated to Senior Management or the Partnership to investigate and reach a fair and swift conclusion.

TTCLS LLP judges each and any complaint on a case-by-case basis as we recognise the importance and individuality of all business encounters, particularly in regard to grievances.

Our complaint handling process is as follows:

  1. Identify the complaint reason.
  2. Propose resolution in good time before close of business on 3rd working day.
  3. Communicate clearly the resolution with Client or Customer within this 3 day timeframe.
  4. On acceptance, write to Client or Customer with Complaint Summary Letter to confirm resolution, including FOS information where applicable.
  5. If no resolution is reached or the proposed resolutions are not accepted within the 3 day timeframe, confirm that the complaint will be escalated to the Partnership for review and mark as escalated in the log.
  6. The complaint will be reviewed by the Partnership and the Client or Customer advised within 8 weeks of a final decision.

TCLS LLP ideally prefers complaints in writing/email so all the Clients' or Customers' points can be documented and recorded from their perspective; this ensures nothing is overlooked and is a further point for reference when identifying the source of complaints and any potential trends. However we acknowledge that this is not always possible and as such accept complaints in the most convenient format for the Client or Customer. As soon as this is received we will aim to resolve it fairly within 3 working days.

If it is found that the Client or Customer has a justified complaint that has resulted in financial loss or material distress or inconvenience, the Senior Partner will write to the complainant within 8 weeks with their findings (a final response) and offer a suitable solution in view of fair and proper redress.

At this juncture we remind Clients or Customers of their right to refer the Complaint to the Financial Ombudsmen Service within a 6 month period, should they not be satisfied with the final response from TCLS LLP. All relevant information will be given to the Client or Customer so they are easily able to escalate the complaint to the Financial Ombudsmen Service.