Company Liquidation & Insolvency

A series of our videos on the topic of Company Liquidation & Insolvency.

Advice for Recovering Director Loans Used to Avoid Paying Creditors Video Thumbnail

Advice for Recovering Director Loans Used to Avoid Paying Creditors

We currently find ourselves in unprecedented times. And sadly, some businesses may use this as a reason to avoid making payments to their creditors.

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When Directors Abuse Loans and Dividends Before Liquidation Video Thumbnail

When Directors Abuse Loans and Dividends Before Liquidation

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unforeseen circumstances for many businesses, where many companies are struggling with cash flow problems.

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Dealing with Unscrupulous Company Directors Video Thumbnail

Dealing with Unscrupulous Company Directors

Some unscrupulous company directors have taken out loans or dividends from their companies before liquidating them.

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Pursuing Unpaid Corporate Debts Video Thumbnail

Pursuing Unpaid Corporate Debts

Company liquidation? Outstanding Director Loan Account? Excessive Dividends? Government Business Interruption Loan unpaid?

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Town & Country Specialise in the Recovery of Corporate Debt Video Thumbnail

Town & Country Specialise in the Recovery of Corporate Debt

We specialise in the recovery of delinquent Director Loan accounts and sales ledger recovery for liquidators, dealing with companies in liquidation.

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Using a Third Party to Assist Your Recovery Efforts Video Thumbnail

Using a Third Party to Assist Your Recovery Efforts

So, let me guess, insolvent company? Director Loan Account? And an unpaid Coronavirus-related Government Loan?

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What the Late Payment of Commercial Debt Regulation of 2013 Means For You Video Thumbnail

What the Late Payment of Commercial Debt Regulation of 2013 Means For You

We are entitled to add debt recovery costs and late payment interest on to business to business debts as a form of compensation.

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Worldwide Trace and Asset Enquiries and Collections Video Thumbnail

Worldwide Trace and Asset Enquiries and Collections

We have the resources to carry out Trace and Asset enquiries and collections worldwide.

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