Debt Collection Strategies for Funeral Directors

A series of our videos introducing debt collection strategies for funeral directors, covering topics such as; minimising the risk of non-payment, defining who will be paying and other important, related topics.

Importance of Accurate Paperwork Video Thumbnail

Importance of Accurate Paperwork

Funeral Directors are businesses like any other, they must ensure that any paperwork completed at the time of arrangement is completed accurately.

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Minimising the Risk of Non-Payment Video Thumbnail

Minimising the Risk of Non-Payment

What can you do to minimise the risk of non-payment?

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Defining Who is Paying Video Thumbnail

Defining Who is Paying

It can be an emotional roller coaster for someone arranging a funeral, as they can often be closely related to the deceased and may still be suffering from bereavement.

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Clearly Specifying Payment Terms Video Thumbnail

Clearly Specifying Payment Terms

In all funeral arrangements, it is vital that a Funeral Arrangement Confirmation Form is completed at the outset, detailing all the costs and disbursements as accurately as possible.

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Minimising the Risk of Non-Payment Video Thumbnail

Minimising the Risk of Non-Payment

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Defining Who Will Be Paying Video Thumbnail

Defining Who Will Be Paying

It can be an emotional roller coaster for someone arranging a funeral, as they are often closely related to the deceased and may well still be suffering from bereavement. It is, however, still very important to cover the issue of costs and who will be paying.

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The Importance of Accurate Paperwork Video Thumbnail

The Importance of Accurate Paperwork

Funeral directors are businesses like any other, and must ensure that any paperwork completed at the time of arrangement is completed accurately.

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Clearly Specifying Your Payment Terms Video Thumbnail

Clearly Specifying Your Payment Terms

Good practice would be to ensure that the payment terms are signed and dated by the arranger at the time of completion.

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Instructing a Debt Collector Video Thumbnail

Instructing a Debt Collector

So the funeral went well, and the funeral arrangements went off without a hitch. 30 days have passed and you still have not been paid.

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