Importance of Accurate Paperwork

Funeral Directors are businesses like any other, they must ensure that any paperwork completed at the time of arrangement is completed accurately.

In most instances, good practices will take a deposit to cover the disbursement, which will need to be paid out.

These may include such costs as crematorium or cemetery fees, doctor's fees, Minister Church and order of service fees, organist and verger fees, plus churchyard and grave digging and headstone fees, along with a burial cost just to name a few.

It is essential to make sure after the event that your professional fees are paid and imperative that full attention is given to the funeral confirmation form with all of its associated costs, along with payment terms signed and dated by the customer and a copy made available to them.

There will always be a number of customers who have excuses for non-payment or who will fail to respond to payment requests.

Here at Town and Country Legal Services, we have a wealth of experience acting on behalf of funeral directors. If you have any problems in this area, then please give us a call us on 01883 212121 or email us at