General Debt Recovery
A series of our videos on the topic of debt collection.

Town & Country - Our Background
Town & Country Legal Services LLP, are a fully-authorised, FCA regulated debt collection agency.

How Town & Country Can Assist With Cashflow Problems
Cashflow is the liquidity of business which, in difficult times, often determines who survives and who does not.

Late Payment of Commercial Debt Legislation
Have you hit that point in your business where many of your existing clients or even new customers are not paying on time?

Amending your Terms & Conditions
We highly recommend you amend your terms and conditions to include clauses regarding third party costs, and late payment interest.

Recovering Third Party Costs
Companies are now entitled, in business to business cases, to add debt recovery costs and late payment interest onto the original debt.

Recovering Debt from Overseas Customers
What would happen if you were not paid by one of your overseas customers?

Assessing your Debtor's Situation
In many instances, some businesses are apprehensive to chase balances when they are unsure of the debtor's financial situation.

Why County Court Might Not Be The Best Approach
If you are owed money and are having problems collecting, you may feel that County Court action is your only hope?

Tailormade To Suit Your Needs
We understand that debt recovery is not always a straightforward process and there are many variables that can influence how best to approach the process of recovering a debt.

Employing Forbearance and Understanding
When dealing with outstanding debts, it is important to understand and empathise with the fact that your customer's situation can change drastically without a moment's notice.

Moving Forward With Legal Action
Have you ever felt like your in-house collection process has fallen short when it came to recovering outstanding debts?