Debt in the Media Industry
A series of our videos introducing issues faced by the Media Industry when dealing with debt such as; BREXIT, Debt Collection, Overseas Debt Recovery and other important, related topics.

Introducing Town and Country Legal Services LLP to Media Companies
As fully-regulated debt collectors, we have worked in your industry for the last decade.

Debt Collection Problems in the Media Industry
We know that there are a lot of problems regarding debt collection, facing the consumer and commercial Media Industry.

More Debt Collection Problems in the Media Industry
Here at Town & Country Legal Services, we have worked for major commercial and consumer media companies for the last 10 years and we recognise that you are likely to have any number of debt collection problems relating to your business.

Problems with Debt Collection in the Media Industry
We recognise that you're likely to have debt collection issues which could be related to BREXIT, non-paying, overseas clients, cashflow issues, the perception of value where an advert has not been deemed successful, or even just the desire to retain a valued, non-paying client.

Debt Recovery in the Media Industry
For many companies that deal with other businesses, non-payment from a client can have a knock-on effect on their cashflow. The Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulation 2013 was brought in to combat late payments in business to business cases.

Overseas Debt Recovery
One of the biggest hurdles companies have with debt collection is the recovery of money from overseas customers.