Dealing with Vulnerable Customers
A series of our videos introducing how to approach vulnerable customers, covering topics such as; Sensitivity, Forbearance, Sale of Debt, and other important, related topics.

An Introduction to Town & Country Legal Services LLP
We have been trading for 12 years and have a fully licenced FCA-authorised business. We regularly assist businesses with debt collection and associated activities, whilst having a tried and tested sensitive approach.

Vulnerable Customer Portfolio Management
We can assist you with the management of your vulnerable customer portfolio, with a focus on the following principles: Brand Protection, Complaint Avoidance, the Best Resolution for all Stakeholders, an Enhanced Revenue Stream, and Accurate Monthly Bespoke MI Reporting.

Collection Etiquette for Vulnerable Customers
When dealing with vulnerable customers, it is essential that they quickly realise that we are all on the same side, jointly working together towards the best possible outcome for all parties involved.

A Sensitive and Caring Approach
For many companies debt is a sensitive topic to discuss at the best of times. However, if you then factor in vulnerable customers, it can become extremely complicated when trying to collect outstanding balances.

When and How to Sell Debt
The question of whether or not to sell a debt to a third-party, along with its associated risk of a complaint is a difficult one.

Steps to Take Prior to Collection
In all vulnerability cases, it is essential to establish whether the vulnerability is permanent or circumstantial. Collections are generally only possible from customers who are circumstantially vulnerable as their situations may improve

Treating Customers with Care and Forbearance
The customer must be treated with the utmost care and forbearance to fully grasp the situation and obtain the best outcome for all parties involved. Not only does this approach ensure that collections can be maintained, it also allows the individual to resolve any credit issues, without any undue stress.